
 Complaints, Compliments and Feedback

We value your feedback. You can submit a complaint, give a compliment or offer a suggestion to help us improve our service.

Chatterbox encourages the raising of complaints by Participants and/or their Representative/Nominee regarding any areas of dissatisfaction with the service provided.

Chatterbox supports the management of complaints in a way that Participants and/or their Representative/Nominee will have no fear of retributive action when raising complaints.

If your feedback or complaint relates specifically to the NDIS, please head to the NDIS Feedback and Complaints page.

How to make a complaint, suggestion or compliment

You can download the Complaints, Compliments and Feedback form, complete and send back to us by;
1. Email:
2. Post:
ChatterBox Australia Therapy Services
c/o Practice Manager
1 / 37 The Concord
Bundoora VIC 3083

What we need from you

Please be clear, factual, and tell us the outcome you would like. Providing your name and contact details will help us to get in touch and help resolve the issue. If you provide feedback anonymously, we won’t be able to respond to you personally.

How we’ll respond

When you submit written feedback, including complaints, ChatterBox will acknowledge receipt of your feedback within 2-3 working days and commence an internal investigation. We will endeavour to have a suggested resolution for you within 10 working days, or contact to update you on progress in that time.

For privacy reasons, if we contact you, we can’t leave a message, unless your voicemail clearly identifies who you are.